Recent developments in the fields of computer-aided architectural design have opened the potential for a seamless connection between design, architecture, and the construction industry through the use of 3D modeling software and CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machines. These advances process in technology, allow designers to design digital materiality and produce it into real physical object. This technology also promises high precision in build production without necessarily implicating greater expenditure of labor and materials. Regarding this background, our project is also aiming to explore digital fabrication on a conceptual and technical level and investigate possible impact on our design. Through a rigorous thinking process, we put a comprehensive consideration on spesific material, fabricating machine, hexagon panels modulation while paying special attention to spesific assembling methods which can be applied to construct our design.
Editor: Stanley Wangsadiharja, Dani Hermawan and Imma Anindyta Contributors: Suwardana Winata and David Hutama Translation: Hafiz Amirrol and Stanley Wangsadiharja Art direction and design: Rampakasli and form-O 45 pages, 176 x 250mm ISBN 978-602-19219-0-6 IDR 70.000 Online preview
Hafiz Amirrol is an architect and graphic designer living in Bandung whose practise encompasses designing, writing, editing, publishing and curating. Hafiz’s architectural works involved with humanitarian and disaster response related projects with MERCY Malaysia for countries, which include Indonesia, Myanmar and Bangladesh. He has also worked with ZLG Design, CODA and Urbane Indonesia, and writes for numerous publications, journals and art reviews. Hafiz studied architecture at Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia, Architectural Association School of Architecture, London, and at the Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia. Hafiz currently runs Rampakasli and teaches at Universitas Pelita Harapan, Indonesia.
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