Saturday 14 May 2011

Urban Regeneration of Kampung Kriya Sudirman - Study Models

The area of intervention, as a scale of architectural design, manifests series of assumptions and limitations. The planned regeneration initiative is not a singular act; it entails a series of multiple contingencies and constituencies. These circumstances include not only questions of how to address the site’s problems, but also issues of how to respond to the problematic conditions of the area, that is how architectural designs can be implemented at such scale, and what claims of effectiveness does this implies. Given the architectural interventions’ general ambition is to re-create and regenerate the sense of quality of life for the site’s currently decaying state of condition, within the framework of contemporary urbanism, consideration of the area’s and its contextuality with the city presents a terrain of continual definition, initiated with new information, contexts and contingencies. As the architectural intervention propositions imagines itself at a larger scale of the area, namely, that of the city context, it must acknowledge that the city context demand multiplicity and pluralistic, mostly beyond the singularly architecture’s ability – most importantly, consolidating all the issues stated from the analysis, uncovers the particular question of how architectural interventions in this relative immediacy can invoke the temporal accumulations of the site conditions that are associated with the city.   

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