Monday 23 November 2009

Preserving the Spirit of 'Guyub' in High Density Dwelling

The idea of the massing layout and clusters configurations is to create a spatial quality where high density dwelling can still be appreciated with a decent quality of open and green space. Each layer of the higher units will have access as if they are still at the ground level. This will allow people to meander around the neighborhood without having to feel that they are being separated by the multi-layered building structure, and will also allow a more permeable collective dwelling system.

Simultaneity, continuity and ephemerally characterize the flowing public spaces, therefore is an assemblage of the different dwelling clusters. This strategy is hoped to preserve the spirit of communality, or better known as 'guyub', which have existed in the current collective dwelling lifestyle of the society, even their dwelling units will be transformed almost vertically. 

Design Team:
Hafiz Amirrol and Chichi Asda (Architectural Design)
Chairul Maulidi (Urban Design)
Reagen Mulia (Landscape Design)

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